From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning. 仅从一个简单的手势或者说话人的语气里,日本人就能够领悟到所有的意思。
Go with something simple, in a neutral tone. 应该选择简单,中性的西装。
The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you. 寻找积极面的简单努力将会建立一个新的振动调子,这个调子将会开始立即吸引思想、人们、环境及让你高兴的事情。
Thoreau's writing was always simple, gay or sharp in tone, though its meaning was mostly serious. 索洛的文章一向简明扼要,内容严肃,但格调轻快、鲜明。
The most simple method is just to disagree with a neutral, polite tone of voice. 最简单的方式是用中立性有礼貌的语气很委婉的拒绝。
Simple changes in volume and tone can cause temporal illusions that lead people to believe that more time has passed than really has. 简单的音调和响度的变化能让人对时间产生错觉,以为度过了更长的时间。
A Simple Explanation for the Influence of Slope Direction, Degree and Position to the Tone of Satellite Photo 浅析坡向、坡度、坡位对卫片色调的影响
The use of the simple past tense is quite complicated and there is a common use of the simple past tense to express a mild tone. 英语中过去时态用法十分复杂,而过去时态表委婉客气是一种常见的用法。
From the point of phonology, this text investigates three respects of it separately, that is, initial consonant, simple or compound of a Chinese, vowel and tone. 本文从声韵的角度,分别对其声母、韵母和声调三个方面进行考察,揭示出这些材料所反映的实际语音面貌,并对其语言现象作出音理上的解释说明。
The traditional linguistics of China focuses treating phonetics in the structure, and treating tone as equally as initial consonants and simple or compound vowels in function, that is, initial consonants simple or compound vowels as well as tone make up of syllables. 中国传统语言学注重从结构来看待语音,把声调当作与声母,韵母并列的成分,即声母、韵母、声调共同组成音节。
On the other hand, when we have the beautiful and relaxed high note, the simple and vigorous and rich tone-color and timbre of the low note disappears. 而高音区解决好了,有了松弛漂亮的高音,却又失掉了声音中原有的浑厚音质和深沉、饱满的低音。
Phonetic features Youyu dialect itself even read relatively simple, therefore tone sandhi of fold the word is also simple, we briefly elaborated singled out to do. 语音特征上,右玉方言自身连读变调比较简单,叠字的变调更简单,我们单列出来做了简单阐述。
The second is the poetic characteristics of magnificent, elegant and romantic style, the simple and natural, fresh and elegant language and the profound emotional tone based on history. 其二是诗歌特点表现为豪放雄奇、浪漫飘逸的诗风;质朴自然、清新淡远的语言;以史为鉴、忧思深远的感情基调。